Quick Slack and Microsft Teams Integration using Gremlin Webhooks

Tammy Butow
3 min readFeb 18, 2021


We recently released Webhooks here @ Gremlin. Here’s a quick guide to using Gremlin Webhooks to create your desired integrations.

One of the most common requests I hear is “how do I easily share updates of the current Gremlin Attacks that we are running”… Today I’ll show you how to make your own Chaos Engineering bot with Gremlin!

tammybot posts Gremlin Attacks to slack in true nerd format — raw json

For demonstration purposes, I’ll be sharing how to do this with Zapier.
First login to app.gremlin.com and navigate to Team Settings:

In Zapier, create a new Zap with a Zapier Webhook, choose Raw Hook:

Next, set up the webhook. Copy the Webhook URL generated for you by Zapier. For example, mine example uses https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/2798109/opegfjc/ as you can see in the screenshot below:

Next run an attack in Gremlin:

Gremlin CPU attack in-progress

Now go back to Zapier and click Test Trigger, you’ll see the Gremlin Attack is currently running:

Next choose where you’d like to send Gremlin Attack updates, for example in this screenshot below I am choosing Slack. I’m also choosing to post each Gremlin Attack update as a post to a specific Slack channel:

You can also easily integrate Gremlin with Microsoft Teams by selecting Teams from the search box in Zapier

In this next step, you’ll need to authenticate Zapier to work with your Slack or Teams account, this is achieved via the Managed Connections feature within Zapier: https://zapier.com/app/connections

If we were to instead choose Microsoft Teams we would see this option below:

In this final step, you’ll be choosing what is posted to Slack from Gremlin. You can also adjust formatting as needed using Zapier tools. I’ll just post raw output for this demo (and because I’m an oldschool nerd 😊 ) :

Click Test and Continue and then Turn on Your Zap:

Success — we now see the Gremlin Attack running update has been posted to Slack:

Go forth and share your Chaos Engineering updates with your teams and channels!

